Gamestop - home to hundreds of terrible atrocities. But we will not waver in the face of terror. There is a job to be done. We'll be the ones who are Buying/Selling/Trading.

Heroic battle cries echo through the heavens as our heroes prepare to search the premises for the ultimate evil. Who knows just how forsaken this Gamestop could be? Our heroes are brave enough, nay - STRONG enough to take on this challenge.

Fear not, champion. For together with your comrades, you will accomplish righteous things. Do not forget those who are around you! They will provide the comfort you seek.

Gamestop is frequently plagued with terrible, out of order collections of SNES games. This can even frustrate the most hardened of veterans. Ahhh! The Gamestop must be on to us. Bebe's Kids - the evil emissary of Shaq-Fu! Quick, place evil back into its dark depths! Mortal eyes are not meant to deal with such chaos!

Speak the words of any "god" you choose but none can save you from the evil you seek, brave champion. Take comfort in the fact that the copy of Bebe's Kids has disappeared and continue to search the heart of evil for Shaq-Fu.

Shaq-Fus can hide behind many different objects, including large metal security gates such as these. Be sure to check all locations, as our brave hero demonstrates here. Vigilance is the key to success. Always remember that.

But I need not say anything to our brave heroes about vigilance. Watch as they thoroughly check the bottom of this cardboard display. Good thing they checked there - now you're safe.

It would seem that there are no copies of Shaq-Fu to be found here. But fret not! This building is not cursed with the fear and hatred that is provided by Shaq-Fu... though there are large blurry apparitions floating around. Perhaps our heroes should vacate the store before it's too late. There are better fights to fight.